Metabolism really is all the chemical reactions that take place in any living organism every day in order to keep it alive. It is the process of our body turning the food we eat into usable energy. Calories are simply a measure of energy that our body depends on in order to keep it functioning. Changes in a person’s BMR (basal metabolic rate) or RMR (resting metabolic rate), which are basically the number of calories you burn at rest for an entire day, have quite a bit to do with how you lose weight and how easily you keep it off – but not how you may think.

Every single system in the body, ranging from the digestive system to the endocrine system, is linked to our rate of energy production. So, a strong metabolism is tied to much more than a thin body. Your endocrine system is a network of glands that make hormones which help your cells talk to each other and are responsible for almost every cell, organ and function within your body. So, our rate of energy production will affect us greatly.

Metabolism is also important for a strong immune system to help lower infections and degenerative diseases, which are medical conditions that worsen over time.  Degenerative diseases can affect the central nervous system (being the brain and spinal cord), bones, blood vessels or the heart.

Metabolism also affects fertility and creates a healthy sex drive, lean muscle mass, brain function, energy and much more. Actually, your brain benefits more than anything when it comes to having a strong metabolic rate, because it has a very high energy demand – 16 times higher than your skeletal muscle.

Unfortunately, metabolism naturally begins to slow steadily around age 40-45, so it’s important to take action to boost it in order to feel and stay young and to counter the weight gain that can build up to dozens of pounds a year.

Here are some common signs of someone with lower metabolic function. They may experience ongoing fatigue, feel cold often, have thinning hair or cracked, dry skin. They will often experience low sex drive, irregular periods, brittle fingernails and an inability to sleep through the night. Because so many of our systems are affected, you may encounter constipation, bloating, mood disorders (anxiety or depression), excessive thirst, brain fog and allergies. And, of course, difficulty losing weight accompanied by low motivation and a tendency to get sick more often.

Next week we will continue to study the importance of metabolism in weight loss.

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