Certain foods can help the body expend more energy, because of their thermic effects – meaning the body has to work harder to break them down and metabolize them.

Add Metabolism Power Foods. They can actually create a warming effect on the body that uses up energy. Spicy food is one such example – things like cayenne pepper, chili and other spicy ingredients contain capsaicin, which heat up the body.

Eating enough protein is also linked to a strong metabolism. That’s why when you skip your protein or don’t eat enough, we can see your muscle mass decrease and metabolism go down on your body composition. Wild-caught fish, pastured eggs, and grass-fed beef are simple metabolism boosters that help keep you full longer.

Protein also helps keep energy and blood sugar stable while building lean muscle. It causes your body to use up more energy during digestion than when you eat carbs. You can also add in some Apple Cider Vinegar as a digestive aid that is helpful in balancing blood sugar.

Make sure you aren’t damaging your metabolism by continuing to eat foods that will work against your efforts. It’s very frustrating to work hard to build muscle and burn fat, and then not see the scale budge. The first thing to consider is that you may be eating the wrong foods. For instance, fruit juice is one of those items many believe to be healthy. However, the truth is that it will cause you to consume way too much sugar that is quickly absorbed, causing a high spike in blood sugar and insulin and ruining your metabolism.

To give you some perspective, one 8-oz glass of juice contains about 30 grams of sugar, while soda contains 28 grams. Be sure to watch for hidden sugars in alcoholic beverages or mixes, caffeinated or coffee drinks and energy drinks. Yogurts are a surprise for many (most are loaded with sugar), and condiments like ketchup are also problematic. Always read those labels!

Refined grains, even many whole grains, can work against metabolism. They are the staple of the American diet all the way from breakfast foods to a midnight snack. Compounds like gluten, starch and phytic acid in these grains can really hurt metabolism. In addition, these products always come with other added ingredients and synthetic vitamins and minerals that can be hard to metabolize properly.

Starches can turn to sugar quickly, causing you to continually have cravings and overeat.  And for some, if you are gluten sensitive, inflammation can occur, making matters worse. We also mentioned staying away from all processed vegetable oils. Soybean and canola oil seem to be in almost everything on the shelves, because they are cheap, plentiful industrial oils. Not only are they heavily refined, but they are full of omega-6’s, which are inflammatory when out of balance. In the American diet, they are way out of balance. Clients often ask about “healthier” types of chips, too. There’s no such thing – it’s all marketing. They contain a lot of Omega 6’s, as well as empty starches that break down into sugars.

Lastly… Artificial sweeteners are probably one of the worse, if not the most deceiving. You are led to believe you can satisfy your sweet tooth with no guilt or calories, when it is a major metabolism buster. It is known to increase appetite and is linked to dozens of adverse health effects and accelerated aging due to free radical damage.

Some of you have struggled giving up your sodas and diet sodas, but you have also seen on the other side that there is life after chemical addiction! So, keep yourself informed. It’s the best way to guard yourself against a tanking metabolism!

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