This week we will continue with motivational speaker and teacher John Maxwell’s talk titled, “10 Reasons We Fail.” He has helped many of the top world leaders over the decades with all sorts of issues and provided advice on how to solve many problems. Let’s dive into more of his insights that relate to so many areas of life, especially weight loss.

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#6 is an Unwillingness to Change Maxwell states that the most relentless enemy of achievement, personal growth, and success is inflexibility. Sometimes we are so in love with the past that we can’t deal with the present.

We don’t want to try new foods, we don’t want to stop eating bad foods, we don’t want to cook or spend time in the kitchen, we don’t want to eat vegetables, we don’t want to stop eating out all the time, we don’t want to plan or prep food… but we want the results.

In other words, we want to keep doing what we’ve always done and still lose weight. It won’t happen. You don’t have to love change to be successful, but you need to be willing to accept it. Change is a catalyst for personal growth.

#7 is A Shortcut Mind-Set – A common obstacle to success is the desire to cut corners and take the short road to success. But shortcuts never pay off in the long run. Most people tend to underestimate the time it takes to achieve something of value, but to be successful you have to be willing to pay your dues.

Self-discipline is a quality that is won through practice. Psychologist Joseph Mancusi has noted that, “Truly successful people have learned to do what does not come naturally. Real success lies in experiencing fear or aversion and acting in spite of it.”

#8 is Relying on Talent Alone – Talent is overrated – not because it doesn’t have value, but because talent alone isn’t enough to take a person through the multiple failures that life brings. Just because you are good at something, that doesn’t mean you will excel in it. However, adding a strong work ethic to your talent is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

This is what levels the playing field for those who don’t enjoy cooking or being in the kitchen. You have to figure out your meals and shop either way. Just because you aren’t a gourmet cook doesn’t mean you can’t have an edge over someone who is, yet doesn’t follow the plan.

#9 – is A Response to Poor Information – John Maxwell states that while top executives have a common ability to make weighty decisions based on limited amounts of information, they also have the ability to gather reliable information upon which to make those decisions.

Weight loss can be so confusing. There are a myriad of fad diets that come and go in this multi-billion-dollar industry, and if you don’t have the right information, you can spend countless dollars and energy chasing after quick weight loss schemes.

Your goal in losing weight and becoming healthy is not a destination. Success is not a destination or a particular number, but rather it’s a journey with a lot to learn so that you can get and stay healthy.

#10 – is No Goals – An absence of goals is a major cause of failure. It has been said that a goal is nothing more than a dream with a time limit, and many people don’t have goals because they don’t stop long enough to dream. And often, their thoughts when they do dream are more limiting than exciting. They easily dwell on all the reasons why they can’t do something rather than why they can.

Take the time to think about these 10 reasons why we fail, and look honestly at your weaknesses. It’s not a bad thing to have them, we all do. And remember, it’s only true failure if we choose to do nothing about them.

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