At Genesis Health Solutions, we approach the causes of inflammation naturally. If you are eating the Standard American Diet, you will need to change that in order to reverse inflammation and many disease processes. To continue eating the same foods that are causing inflammation and just taking a pill or shot to calm the side effects, is dangerous.

Lifestyle change with an anti-inflammatory diet is a must if you want to be healthy and live a quality life free of pain with lots of energy and mental clarity. 

Lifestyle change with an anti-inflammatory diet is a must is also important while you are learning to eat right and heal. Our food sources and soils are very depleted of much of the minerals required for health and proper bodily functions. Many are loaded with pesticides, herbicides and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) that cause inflammation and disease. So, learning to read labels and eat quality foods is imperative for optimal health.

There are plenty of other toxins in our foods that drive inflammation. Learning to read labels to know exactly what’s in your food will help you avoid a lot of toxins. We’ve mentioned on several occasions that there are thousands of food additives allowed in the American food supply that are banned in other countries of the world.

However dangerous many of these things are, probably the most inflammatory product in our food supply is highly-processed seed oils – like canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil and many others. They are highly inflammatory and are present in the vast majority of prepackaged foods of all kinds, used in many restaurants and abundant in fast foods.

You would be hard pressed to find a product on the shelves that does not contain them. Most butter substitutes are loaded with them, as well. They are damaging to our bodies at the cellular level, driving inflammation in many of our organs and systems.

Eating a diet that is anti-inflammatory encourages the use of healthy fats – even saturated fats from unprocessed extra virgin coconut oil or grass-fed butter like Kerry Gold. Fat is not to be feared… damaged processed fats are. Your brain is about 60% fat which is rich in cholesterol, so feed it with healthy fat. The membranes of your cells have a double layer of fat – don’t destroy them with processed inflammatory fats.

So, the bottom line, if you are concerned about addressing or preventing inflammation within your body, is to be proactive. Stay away from inflammatory processed foods, sugary foods, high starchy foods and grains that raise blood sugar. Rather, eat healthy real/whole foods without toxins and artificial ingredients. Every food you eat is either moving you towards health or away from it. It is either inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.

Take back control of your own health and stop waiting for a disease state to happen before you do something about it. Unfortunately, we often see the effects that are sometimes irreversible from not doing so.

In the meantime, be encouraged! You have answers! Let it be your motivation to engage fully in your Genesis weight loss program, knowing that what you are doing is not only helping you to lose weight, but is also healing your body at a cellular level from the inside out.

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