When you find yourself in a situation in which you are struggling to lose weight at all or losing very slowly, you must understand that you have to begin to heal from the inside out. You have to fix cellular function in order to reverse the damage. Metabolism is a product of healthy cellular function. If it’s broken, you have to fix it. The bottom line is that your cells can only use two things for energy - sugar or fat.

The problem is that most Americans are stuck as sugar burners. They no longer have the ability to utilize fat as energy. This explains why all diets eventually fail. This explains why you get uncontrollable cravings. It also explains why you just stop losing weight and can’t seem to lose any more.

If your cells can burn either sugar or fat and you don’t give them sugar or food that breaks down into sugar, they are going to use fat for energy. However, when you don’t have the hormonal ability to burn fat, your body can only use sugar. So, now you’re going to either get a craving you can’t resist, or your body is going to eat your muscle and lower your metabolism. That’s the low-calorie fallout.

It’s all about the hormonal receptors and their ability to connect with hormones like thyroid, leptin, ghrelin and insulin. Thyroid has a lot to do with your cell’s ability to use fat for energy. Leptin controls your appetite and, indirectly, your body’s ability to burn fat. Ghrelin (your hunger hormone) stimulates your appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage. And insulin, when it is high, tells your body to store fat.

There are other hormones, but let’s focus on these main ones. These hormones have to attach to their own receptors in order to be effective. If the receptors are blunted, there is no connection; therefore, there is no communication with the cell to tell it what to do.

Inflammation is the major reason for blunted receptors. Toxicity is next. Inflammation causes a lot of things – cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and the list goes on and on. It also causes inflammation on the fatty cell membrane, which blunts the cell receptor connection to the hormones. In this situation, insulin can’t get the message in, so glucose builds up outside the cell.

Leptin shuts off hunger when it binds to its receptor. It makes you satisfied and kicks in your body’s ability to burn fat, which shuts down your hunger and the desire for food. It initiates metabolism. But when inflammation blunts the receptor, your cells can’t communicate with the hormone, and fat burning stops.

We need to get the cell to communicate with these hormones again. In order to do that, we have to reduce inflammation. Then the message can get to the cell, and you can become an efficient fat burner again. When your body wants to efficiently obtain energy, it can utilize your fat supply. You end up with consistent energy throughout the day, meaning no more fatigue and your brain fog goes down. Reducing inflammation is the key. That’s why weight loss has more to do with hormones and body chemistry than the calories you put into your body.

Your hormone receptors actually ride on a type of lipid or fat raft. The two fats that are most responsible for this hormone receptor working are cholesterol and saturated fat. You need to be able to break these fats down and utilize them in order to make the receptor to the hormone healthy. Our bodies need these fats. Our brain needs these fats. The key is fixing these damaged fats to get the hormone receptors working again, so that we can lose weight and be healthy. We need fat to burn fat.

We need good, healthy fats to fix these hormone receptors and to become efficient fat burners. It’s a hormone problem, and it’s at the cell level. It’s all about body chemistry.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily. It will take persistence, determination and dedication to take your life back. So, take your life back now before it’s too late, because there is not a pill or injection that’s going to fix that.

The problem is that most Americans are stuck as sugar burners. They no longer have the ability to utilize fat as energy. This explains why all diets eventually fail. This explains why you get uncontrollable cravings. It also explains why you just stop losing weight and can’t seem to lose any more.

If your cells can burn either sugar or fat and you don’t give them sugar or food that breaks down into sugar, they are going to use fat for energy. However, when you don’t have the hormonal ability to burn fat, your body can only use sugar. So, now you’re going to either get a craving you can’t resist, or your body is going to eat your muscle and lower your metabolism. That’s the low-calorie fallout.

It’s all about the hormonal receptors and their ability to connect with hormones like thyroid, leptin, ghrelin and insulin. Thyroid has a lot to do with your cell’s ability to use fat for energy. Leptin controls your appetite and, indirectly, your body’s ability to burn fat. Ghrelin (your hunger hormone) stimulates your appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage. And insulin, when it is high, tells your body to store fat.

There are other hormones, but let’s focus on these main ones. These hormones have to attach to their own receptors in order to be effective. If the receptors are blunted, there is no connection; therefore, there is no communication with the cell to tell it what to do.

Inflammation is the major reason for blunted receptors. Toxicity is next. Inflammation causes a lot of things – cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and the list goes on and on. It also causes inflammation on the fatty cell membrane, which blunts the cell receptor connection to the hormones. In this situation, insulin can’t get the message in, so glucose builds up outside the cell.

Leptin shuts off hunger when it binds to its receptor. It makes you satisfied and kicks in your body’s ability to burn fat, which shuts down your hunger and the desire for food. It initiates metabolism. But when inflammation blunts the receptor, your cells can’t communicate with the hormone, and fat burning stops.

We need to get the cell to communicate with these hormones again. In order to do that, we have to reduce inflammation. Then the message can get to the cell, and you can become an efficient fat burner again. When your body wants to efficiently obtain energy, it can utilize your fat supply. You end up with consistent energy throughout the day, meaning no more fatigue and your brain fog goes down. Reducing inflammation is the key. That’s why weight loss has more to do with hormones and body chemistry than the calories you put into your body.

Your hormone receptors actually ride on a type of lipid or fat raft. The two fats that are most responsible for this hormone receptor working are cholesterol and saturated fat. You need to be able to break these fats down and utilize them in order to make the receptor to the hormone healthy. Our bodies need these fats. Our brain needs these fats. The key is fixing these damaged fats to get the hormone receptors working again, so that we can lose weight and be healthy. We need fat to burn fat.

We need good, healthy fats to fix these hormone receptors and to become efficient fat burners. It’s a hormone problem, and it’s at the cell level. It’s all about body chemistry.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily. It will take persistence, determination and dedication to take your life back. So, take your life back now before it’s too late, because there is not a pill or injection that’s going to fix that.

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