There are three major causes of inflammation. We will look at each one and learn how to get our bodies into a much healthier state.

Number one, and this is extremely important, is eating the wrong kind of fat. One thing you cannot make exceptions on is the fats you eat. They are non-negotiable, because the wrong fats create inflammation.

Healthy fats, yes even healthy saturated fats in organic unrefined coconut oil (centrifuged being the best) and Kerry Gold butter from grass-fed only cows, actually fix and improve hormone resistance by healing cell membranes. Saturated fat and cholesterol help make up your bodies’ cell membranes.

The big reason we endorse grass-fed beef (which contains saturated fat) is because feeding cows grain creates bad fats within the meat. Grass is 60% omega-3’s, an anti-inflammatory fat, while grain is inflammatory. You are what you eat, eats.

The number two reason for inflammation, is increased blood sugar and insulin. It drives inflammation big time, ages you prematurely and creates hormone problems. It’s also why diabetics end up with thyroid conditions and vice-versa. It’s why they end up with weight gain and fatty livers. It’s also why diabetics don’t die from diabetes, but rather they die from heart disease, strokes and cancer.

Rising glucose or blood sugar and insulin will increase inflammation and blunt your hormone receptors so that they can’t function correctly. The answer is getting the cell to communicate with the hormones we already have. So, a big part of your GHS plan involves getting your body to normalize your glucose and insulin spikes.

The third reason for inflammation is toxicity. Toxins make their way to the cell membrane. They not only have an affinity for the cell receptors, taking up the receptor site meant for a particular hormone, but they also damage the fatty cell membrane.

So now the cells don’t function properly. They are broken as the toxins enter the cell, damaging the DNA, which increases aging and degeneration and greatly increase inflammation. This is why you will have heard for years that the beginning stage of almost all disease is inflammation. It destroys cell function.

When toxins on your cell receptors prevent fat burning, you survive on burning glucose or sugar. It’s okay to burn a little sugar, but it should not be our main source of fuel. The problem comes when we can only burn sugar due to inflammation and hormone dysfunction, so we are unable to tap into our fat for fuel. It’s not about calories, but rather it’s all about body chemistry. Stop looking at the number of calories on your nutrition labels and go directly to the ingredients. What’s in your food and how it’s made is what affects your cell health and healthy weight.

The three things that are really driving difficult weight loss when you are doing everything right include inflammation and toxicity due to eating bad fats, and increased blood sugar and insulin, leading to hormone dysfunction or dysregulation. Once you decrease all this inflammation and heal cell membranes (which repairs hormone receptors) you can then shift over into fat-burning mode.

So, if you are struggling to lose weight, be encouraged. You’re in the right place. Your body didn’t get sick overnight, it may take a little longer for you than others, but you’re on the right path. Be encouraged… take control of your life and your health.

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