Planning is so important, because if we wait until all the holiday events are upon us, and we just decide to deal with food choices when we get there, we are likely to be in big trouble.

When your defenses are down and you are caught off guard or you enter a function hungry, your ability to make the right choices is very difficult. You have to have the right mindset before you go, and that mindset takes preparation.

Here are some tips to help you not only overcome temptations, but to also enjoy and thrive in your holiday events.

Tip #1Focus on the people, not the food. The key word there was “focus.” Focus means to give your full attention to something, and if we are entertaining thoughts of what to eat and what not to eat in the moment, we are going to be focused on food. Get in the spirit of the holiday season by celebrating your personal relationships, and recognize that you’re not just there for the food.

Tip #2: Make the occasional party the exception to your food plan, not the rule. Enjoying some holiday favorites on an occasion is not generally the major problem, as long as you get back on plan the next day. Don’t let one or two holiday events be the excuse for falling off the wagon until New Year’s. And when you do enjoy the food, don’t treat it like an open buffet.

Tip #3: Offer to help with hosting a party yourself. If someone else is hosting the party, offer to bring food so that you can be sure that there are food options that fit into your plan. At least there will be one or two dishes on the buffet that you can enjoy without worrying about not having the right things to eat.

Tip #4: Don’t arrive at a holiday party on an empty stomach. Arriving hungry to any event is just asking for trouble. Plan to eat a meal before you go (with plenty of healthy fat to keep you satisfied); or, if you choose to enjoy something at that event, eat your green apple and almonds before you go or have some protein and fat to curb your appetite, as this will help you feel full longer.

Tip #5: Choose wisely from the foods available at holiday functions. If you look carefully, you’ll find there are often acceptable healthy choices available to you. Concentrate on proteins, fresh fruit, salads or vegetable platters. Nuts are also a better choice – if they’re not candied. Be in control by thinking on these things before you go. Tell yourself what you will and will not do before you get there.

Tip #6: Eat slowly and mindfully. It takes our body about 20 minutes to realize that we are full. Also, the more slowly you eat, the less food you’ll eat as opposed to eating fast in the same amount of time. As you eat, appreciate the food and acknowledge how it tastes. Mindful eating is a way to slow down the process of gulping down food.

Tip #7: Watch the alcohol. Consider naturally flavored, sparkling mineral water, non-alcoholic or non-sugary drinks. If you decide to drink alcohol, make a choice that can help keep your blood sugar from spiking. White liquors like vodka, tequila, gin or even rum or whisky have zero carbs.

Tip #8: Be careful of leftovers. Don’t eat a lot of unhealthy food for days after a special event just because the food needs to be eaten up. Portion all leftovers in small amounts and ensure that everyone is sharing them so that you’re not tempted to finish off the remaining half of a cheesecake by yourself. Never use the excuse, “It’ll go to waste if I don’t eat it.” Bundle up food in the freezer (especially foods on your plan to eat at later meals), or have friends and family over for leftover meals.

Tip #9: Reward yourself. Simply shift rewards from food to activities, like going to the movies, visiting friends, taking a day trip or going shopping. By moving the focus off of food and onto doing fun things, you’ll continue to enjoy the spirit of the holiday season and stick with your weight loss plan.

Tip #10: Don’t try to explain yourself or your plan, because it won’t matter. Instead of saying, “I can’t have that.” say something like, “I don’t really want it.” or “I’m just not hungry.” If they keep pushing, say “My doctor told me I can’t have it.” Push it off on us. Maybe tell them, “My inflammation is up, or I’ve been having a lot of joint pain or headaches lately, and certain foods make it worse.” Communicate whatever is true for your situation.

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