We are going to take a look at some very common myths out there that are holding people back from achieving their weight loss goals, and the health that they deserve. Some myths may surprise us. Others we have heard and believed. The purpose of busting these myths is to educate ourselves. When we have the right information, we will be able to move forward implementing the correct strategy to achieve our desired health and weight loss goal.

We are going to take a look at some very common myths out there that are holding people back from achieving their weight loss goals, and the health that they deserve. Some myths may surprise us. Others we have heard and believed. The purpose of busting these myths is to educate ourselves. When we have the right information, we will be able to move forward implementing the correct strategy to achieve our desired health and weight loss goal.

Fact or Myth #1 “Exercising more burns more calories.”  

It’s not a “calories in” vs. “calories out” game. It’s all about our hormones and our bodies chemistry. If we keep blood insulin low, through good food choices, as in our Genesis Health Solutions plan, and by decreasing stress and toxins, then we will increase the release of Human Growth Hormone, and we can increase our metabolism.

To increase Human growth hormone, testosterone, and to lower insulin, incorporate Burst/Surge or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercises. These exercises work for weight loss, not because they burn more calories, but rather because they shift hormones.

Please consult your primary medical doctor to see if you are able to preform any exercise.

 Fact or Myth #2 “Eating less will cause more weight loss.”  

When we limit food intake, as in a daily low – calorie diet, our body will self-adjust, and lower the energy going out. This lowers metabolism to match the lower fuel available coming in.  It is a myth that eating less will cause more weight loss.

The key is to shift our metabolic profile and increase those insulin opposing hormones to raise our metabolism. Start by cutting the insulin producing foods (carbs and excess protein), increase our healthy fat, and extend times without food. Eat 3 meals in the day, not 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. Find stress reduction activities like going for a walk, HIIT exercise, and reduce toxins by decreasing our exposure, and detoxing our body.

Fact or Myth # 3 “Eating salt will raise blood pressure, cause water retention, inhibit weight loss, and make diabetes worse.”  

In his book, The Salt Fix, Dr. James J. DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist, and doctor of pharmacy at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, in Kansas City, Missouri, concluded cutting back on the salt may actually make things worse.  

One study showed that supplementing hypertensive type 2 diabetics with more sodium (increasing their sodium intake from about 3,000 mg to 6,000 mg per day) improved their insulin resistance. The authors concluded, “…an abundant sodium intake may improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance, especially in diabetic, salt-sensitive, and/or medicated essential hypertensive subjects.”

We are talking about real salt with minerals, not table salt, or the processed chemical sodium in packaged foods and soups, those are harmful to us. We recommend Redmond Real Salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, which contains good amounts of iodine (not artificial potassium iodide) and calcium

A note of caution to those who have kidney problems, kidney disease, and people taking a diuretic medication.  Please check with your medical doctor as the increase in salt could be a problem for you.

While more studies should be performed to understand the effect of increased salt intake in Pre-Diabetics and Type 2 Diabetics, it’s time to rethink the accepted model and urge caution with sodium restriction.

Fact or myth # 4 “Type 2 Diabetes is irreversible and can’t be fixed.”  

These conditions now affect more than one out of two adults in this country. Diabetes is one of the most devastating diseases of our time.  But interestingly, early 1900 medical texts and literature talked about stopping and reversing diabetes through diet. One book published in 1917 talked about the cure being a diet rich in butter, olive oil, cream, cheese, meat, fish and eggs.

In that same book, in order to stop and reverse diabetes the following foods were strictly forbidden; sugars, all starches, pies, puddings, flour, bread, biscuits, rice, barley, oatmeal, tapioca, macaroni, honey, dried fruits, wines, liqueurs, syrups, beer, and chocolate.  In 1917 the medical community accepted that diet caused and cured Type 2 Diabetes, that Type 2 Diabetes wasn’t the cause, rather it was the result

The vast majority of our Type 2 Diabetic clients are able to reverse their condition and no longer need the medications and insulin. 

Eat healthy, anti-inflammatory, low glycemic whole foods. Additionally, toxins have been shown to play a role in diabetes, so incorporate a detoxification.  For those who want to, and have their medical doctor’s permission, the right exercise, Burst/Surge or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), help shift hormones in the right direction also.

Education is key to overcoming these common myths. We can change our metabolic profile and increase those insulin-opposing hormones to raise our metabolism. Simply start by reducing the insulin-producing foods, increase our healthy fat, and eat 3 of our Genesis Health Solutions meals in the day, not 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. We recommend Redmond Real Salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, which contains good amounts of iodine (not artificial potassium iodide) and calcium. Eat healthy, anti-inflammatory, low glycemic whole foods. Decrease toxins by limiting our exposure, and detoxing our body. Having the right information will help us reach desired health and weight loss goals.

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