Strategies for staying the course and not giving up when the going gets tough are important. You know, when you are pursuing any worthwhile goal, it’s almost inevitable that at some point you will hit a rough patch.

Understand the reality that people get discouraged and struggle to keep going in hard times. Sure, it’s nice to have the motivation and to feel “up” all the time, but that’s not realistic. These are times when character is being developed – character to complete your current goal and a perseverance that will serve you well in all your other goals. If we only do things when we feel like doing them, I’m afraid we will begin to slide backwards in many areas of life.

Go back to your “Why.” Go back to the very reason why you wanted to lose weight. Something motivated you to make a change. That is why it is always important when goal setting to make a list of all the reasons why you want to achieve that goal – and you really need to have a strong enough “why” to motivate you to continue striving to meet your goal.

Finding a Different “How” is a great strategy. If your current approach isn’t working for you, perhaps you need to try something different. Life changes can bring new challenges along the way. What you did early on may not be as feasible now. So, instead of giving up because things aren’t falling into place, rethink your plan… your “How” to make your plan work.

Find another area of life to succeed in, as well. Consider an area in which you know you can excel and meet a particular goal, and then make it happen. We are wired to want to succeed at something. Feelings of failure loom quickly if we are not moving forward in life, but feelings of achievement are contagious – prompting us to conquer more in other areas of life. It will remind you of what success feels like, then will allow that success to sustain you for a while longer while you re-energize yourself to progress forward on your weight loss goal.

Focus on how far you’ve come, not on all that’s left to do. It’s perspective and unrealistic expectations that get in our head and cause us to stumble. Looking at how far you’ve actually come is the motivation you need to keep moving forward. Sometimes you may have to be more realistic and give yourself smaller steps.

We provide you with an estimate of what we think your body will allow you to lose weight-wise within a particular amount of time. However, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance and toxicity in a person’s body, life events and other circumstances can’t be foreseen. They are definite factors, and we have to make allowances for them.

Keep chipping away. Break your goal into smaller steps that are more manageable. You will eventually still end up in the same place. When you feel like you aren’t seeing any movement in your weight loss, keep taking consistent action forward by sticking with your plan. Even if your results aren’t there yet, there are things going on under the surface that have to happen first.

Your body is so busy repairing through all the nutrition you are providing, and that is its first priority. It will release the fat stores when it feels it is ready and safe to do so.

Find a mentor. With a click on a computer screen, you can access some of the top motivators, deep thinkers and inspirational minds in the world. They have all run into tough times. Tap into them to see how they stay the course. Learn from them and apply what they tell you.

Immerse yourself in information that will keep your mind marinating on your goal. For weight loss, listen to many of the 300+ calls in our library. That’s why they exist – to educate, encourage and keep you focused. Listen while driving in your car, while taking a shower, doing laundry, mowing the yard, taking a walk, etc.  Just make it a habit by starting somewhere.

It all starts with today. Set a date, come up with a plan and make yourself do it – one day at a time. Chose to be soaring and proud of yourself for your hard work and accomplishment – even if you’re not where you want to be yet. Because you will have developed what it takes to go even further. Then never stop.

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Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Contact Genesis Health Solutions today to embark on your personalized transformation journey. Our dedicated team is ready to help you achieve lasting results and make a monumental change in your health and life. Don’t wait any longer—let’s start this transformative journey together!

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